
nice!!! baked egg in an avokado

weekend is coming lads  
so this'll be the perfect brunch
try it with a breakfast martini and trust me 
butterflies will come to your stomach...

for the eggs >
- preheat oven to 425, have cast iron pan in there
-Slice avocado in half, take out pit
-Take pan out, put avocado half on, crack egg in
- Put whatever you want on top
-Place in oven and cook till your eggs desire
recipe βια

breakfast martini>
1 1/2 oz Brokers gin
3/4 ozfresh lemon juice
3/4 oz Cointreau 
1 tsplight marmalade

Shake ingredients with ice and strain into a chilled martini glass. 
Garnish with a piece of a slice of toast

recipe βια

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